It's been a very busy week and I haven't been able to keep up with the blog. Our youngest graduated from High School (way to go Ryan!) and work has been crazy. But I still had some great training sessions. I also had my first major crash of the season (more on this later).
Wednesday's Run and Bike Session (6/3)
This day I had two separate sessions a run in the morning and a bike in the afternoon. The run was 6 miles at an average of 9:42 minutes per mile.
The bike session was for 30 miles. I couldn't get to it till the evening so I went to the local gym and rode it on one of their standing bikes there. Felt really strong and finished fast with an average of 23 MPH.
Thursday's Swim and Run Session (6/4)
This day was another set of two separate sessions.
In the morning I did a 2000 meter swim. I was allowed to choose whatever stroke I wanted,so I used a Pull buoy and did it all in one single set in 38 minutes. A teeny bit slow, but considering I wasn't kicking at all, not too bad.
In the afternoon I ran 8 miles with 6, 45 second accelerations. I ran a average pace of 9:37 minutes per mile and each acceleration maxed out at between 6 and 7 minute mile pace. It was super hot, so I was pretty pleased with that.
Friday's Swim Session (6/5)
Today's swim session consisted of 3500 meters swum the following way:
Warm Up: 3 x 300 free w/ 10 sec. rest; 12 x 50 w/ 10 sec. rest as: (3 free/2 stroke/1 choice); 4 x 100 pull buoy
Main Set: easy, aerobic – 2 x 100 / 2 x 200 / 1x400 / 2 x 100 all easy free on 10-20 sec. rest
Cool Down: 8 x 50 (3free/2drill/1kick)
Saturday's Run Session (6/6)
This was a long run of 20 miles. I started out going pretty well (10 minute pace for the most part, but the last 6 miles were just terrible. I was really feeling the heat and was very fatigued. I still got the distance in and sometimes running while tired really mentally prepares you for the Ironman because it will be like that during the race. So at least you know what you are in for, I finished that run in 3:37 (hours and minutes).
Sunday's Bike and CRASH!!!
OK, here is the fun one. I had planned to do 80 miles today, followed by a 4 mile run. Best laid plans, as they say, went arry. About 20 miles or so in I was making a right hand turn and my bike went out from under me. I wasn't going too fast, but I ripped up my hands, right leg and shoulder. Also ruined my nice riding shorts and shirt (darn it!).
Physically I am OK, the cuts are mostly superficial but a bit painful and bled a lot. I also bent my gear shifter, so the ride was cut short.
Here are some pics:
For safety reason's I always bring my cell phone with me and I called my wife and she came and picked me up. Funny thing is right when I crashed a female rider came along and asked if I needed help. Turns out it was Johnny Zepeda's wife and he came along a few minutes later. Johnny is the co-owner of Tri On The Run here in Houston and that's where I get a lot of my Tri gear and coaching.
He was the one that pointed out the damage to the shifter. So now I have to bring the bike in and get it fixed. I guess the timing on this was fortunate since I will be out of town for the first half of this week and it will give them time to take care of the bike.
Now everyone, don't worry, I will be fine. These things happen and physically the damage was more superficial than anything else.
I'll let everyone know how this all turns out when I get back from my business trip this week.
That's all for now!
Tri your best,
William, I hope your hands heal quickly. Bike parts and clothes can be replaced. I think we've all got a crash story - and it's never happy news. But, I am glad you're in good enough shape to be writing this.