Well today was the last long day of my Ironman training before the taper starts. I can't believe we are just weeks away! I will do my best to blog about the race itself and my trip up to Lake Placid, but we still have some great training to do in the weeks ahead, but now I am done with the really really really long distances. Here is a recap of the weeks training.
Monday's Swim 6/29/09
Warm Up: 3 X (2 X 100 free/ 4 x 50 choice on 10 sec. rest, 200 back)
Main Set: 4 x 600 as: 2 x 300, 600, 4 x 150, 600 all on 10-20 sec. rest, and 1 min after each 600 straight.
Cool Down: 300 choice easy
Felt like crap this day and was fighting the water. But I fought through it and got it finished.
Tuesday's Bike/Run Combination 6/30/09
This session was a 30 mile bike ride immediately followed by a 4 mile run at a planned 9:35-9:45 mile per minute pace. It was a super busy day at work so I did this workout at the local gym. I rode the 30 miles in 1 hour and 15 minutes and then I ran the 4 miles at some very quick paces on the treadmill. My last mile was a 8:30 pace.
Wednesday's Swim and Run Sessions 7/1/09
I got myself up early that morning and ran 6 miles. The following times were my paces:
Mile 1: 9:57
Mile 2: 9:54
Mile 3: 9:48
Mile 4: 9:46
Mile 5: 9:39
Mile 6: 9:16
I was really happy with this run since I felt really good and kept my heart rate fairly low.
That afternoon I swam for 2000 meters. My legs were a little tired so I used the pull buoy for half of the workout.
Thursday's Bike Session 7/2/09
Today I rode the bike 40 miles. Houston is still in the grips of the heat wave and I couldn't get started till after work. The ride started out at 106 degree heat index, but finished in the lower 90's. Still too hot! I finished the ride in a little over two hours, averaging 19 mph.
Friday's Swim Session 7/3/09
Today was a 3500 meter straight swim. That's right, I swam the entire distance straight at IM race pace. I finished in 1 hour and 5 minutes. Not too bad. Took a short break here and there to take a sip of water.
Saturday's Bike and Run Session 7/4/09
Oh, boy this was a doosey! I got up at 5 AM and met Kevin (my coach) and some of the other Team Kevin players for a 115 mile bike ride! We started with eight people and no one was going the full 115 except for me, but I was glad to have some company for part of the ride. After 50 miles, some of the members went home, then the rest hung with me for an additional 25 miles. I got back to the house at mile 75 and refilled my bottles and went right back out for 40 more miles. Once I was done with that I then ran 3 miles immediately as a transition run. The bike took about 6 hours and 30 minutes and my run was absolutely awesome. I was supposed to do the three miles in 10 minute per mile pace but instead did it in 8:58, 9:16 and 9:03! I was so proud of myself that I was able to stay hydrated (yes it was over 100 degree heat index again) and still kept up a great during the run. Here is a map of the route I took (click to make bigger):
Sunday's Run Session 7/5/09
Today was a tough day. I got up late and I don't really think I was recovered from my workout yesterday. I planned to do 16 miles at a 10 minute per mile pace. With the late start, I was already running in the hotter part of the day. First 6 miles actually went really well but as I kept going, I was really hurting and slowing down. I still did the ice trick of putting ice under my hat and in a towel around my neck, but it was still really tough. I decided to call it a day after 13 miles, I didn't see any more benefit coming from getting heat exhaustion.
So there you have it, my last long week of workouts. Let the taper begin!
Tri your best,
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