Wow! Where has the time gone? I was getting ready to blog today and I realized that I missed an entire week of workout blogs! Yikes! Training is going well for the Iron Star triathlon in November. I'm fully recovered and back into the full swing of things. Since this race is only a 1/2 (as if a 70.3 mile race is easy!), the distances are much more manageable and I actually have gained some weight with the reduced amount of super long distance training. Here is a recap of my workouts:
Tuesday's Bike and Run Transition Session 8/18/2009
This was a combination of a bike workout on the indoor trainer and a run immediately following after:
Bike Session
2 x 1 min fast spin/ 30 sec. easy
4x (2min. Zone #3 to high 4 w/ cadence 80-100 / 2min. easy
4 x Hills = 1min big gear (80rpm)w/hr#3/1min. standing (70-75rpm) w/ hr#4 / 1min fast spin (100+) w/hr#4-5) w/ 2min easy between sets.
4 x 30 sec. SLD
10 min. cool down
Run Session
4 miles at a 9:35 minute per mile pace
Wednesday's Bike Session 8/19/2009
Twenty mile road bike training in Heart Rate Zone 2
Thursday's Run and Weights Session 8/20/2009
Ran 4 miles in the morning at 10 minute per mile pace.
In the evening I did a lower body weight training session at the gym.
Friday's Swim Session 8/21/2009
I swam 200 yards at the pool. This was done as:
Warm Up: 8 x 75 w/ 15 sec. rest as: 4 free / 4 stroke / 4 kick
Main Set: 4 x 200 free, 8 x 25(1stroke/1free), 8 x 25(1kick/1free), 5x 50free all w/10-20 set rest
Cool Down: 300 pull buoy swim
Saturday's Run Session 8/22/2009
I ran 10 miles on this day at an easy pace. This was done in about 1 hour and 45 minutes. It was a really hot day that day.
Sunday's Bike Session 8/23/2009
I rode 50 miles this day. Felt really good and rode with the Tri On The Run team as usual. Average speed was 19 miles per hour and was a little tired but otherwise pretty happy with this.
Monday's Swim and Weight Training Session 8/24/2009
Swam 2500 meters today as:
Warm Up: 12 x 50 as: alternating drill/kick on 15 sec. rest
Main Set: 2 x (300 free easy, 4 x 50 back on 20 sec. rest) 200 pull easy
Cool Down: 16 x 25 choice easy on 5 sec rest
In the evening I did a upper body weight training session.
Tuesday's Bike and Run Combination Session 8/24/2009
I did a combo session of biking and running today. The bike session was performed on an indoor trainer as:
6 x 30 sec. SLD / 1 min easy
8 min. steady at 100+rpm and HR#4 / 3 min easy
6 min. steady at 100+rpm and HR#4 / 3 min easy
4 min. steady at 100+rpm and HR# high 4-low5 / 3 min easy
6 x 30 sec. SLD / 1 min easy
10 min. cool down
This totally kicked my butt!!! Getting into a high 4 and low 5 heart rate is very challenging for me that is a heart rate of 158 beats per minute sustained!
Of course I immediately ran 4 miles afterword at a 9:15 minute per mile pace.
Wednesday's Off Day 8/26/2009
This was an off day in preparation for my Thursday time trial.
Thursday's Running Time Trial 8/27/2009
I had a tough day today. I had a time trial that was supposed to be done on the track. Unfortunately, no track was available due to school now being in session and two football games occurring after school. So after driving around to 4 different schools I gave up and went home to do the time trial in the neighborhood. This is bad because now I have an inconsistent surface AND I have to watch out for cars. All well, I did the time trial as:
2 Mile Warm Up
2 Miles at 100% effort
1 Mile Warm Down
How did I do? Well I did improve on my last time trial by over a minute. I was happy with that. Took a total time of 14 minutes and 17 seconds. Here are the graphics for my heart rate and speed as seen by my GPS watch (click image to make it bigger!):
This graphic shows the speed (blue) and my heart rate (red) over the entire 5 miles. Need to work on keeping my speed consistent.
Friday's Swim Session 8/28/2009
I swam 2500 meters as:
Warm Up: 5 x 200 as: 2 free/ 1drill/ 1 kick on 25 sec. rest
Main Set: 8 x 100 free on 15 sec. rest, 4 x 100 drills on 20 sec. rest
Cool Down: 300 choice easy
Saturday's Run Session 8/29/2009
This was a easy 8 mile run. I ran it at a pace of 10:07 on average. Not bad for a slow run day.
Sunday's Bike Session 8/30/2009
I was supposed to ride 40 miles this day. I wasn't feeling all that well in the morning and decided to do a full body weight training session at the gym instead. As my cool down I did 30 minutes of the stair climber at a very difficult level. Felt really good to change things up a bit.
Monday's Swim Session 8/31/2009
Today I swam 2500 meters as:
Warm Up: 12 x 75 w/ 15 sec. rest as: 4 free / 4 stroke / 4 kick
Main Set: 4 x 200 free, 8 x 25(1stroke/1free), 8 x 25(1kick/1free), 5x 50free all w/10-20 set rest
Cool Down: 500 pull buoy swim
And now you all are up to speed as to what I've been doing lately! Until next time...
Tri your best!
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