Friday, May 20, 2011

Ironman Texas Here We Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Dear Readers!

I am so excited to be racing tomorrow.  For those who need a catch up, I am competing in the Memorial Herman Ironman Texas race.  That's 2.4 miles of swimming, 112 miles of biking and 26.2 miles of running.  I feel really good about this race.  I  have rode on the harder parts of the bike course several times.  I have swum without a wetsuit to the proper distances.  I have a much better base of running as well.  Could this be the fastest one I have ever done?  I am hopeful.  But this race will be really hot and very windy.  These conditions are not conducive for me to have a fast set of splits.  But I am going to really focus on keeping my core cool and taking it easy so that I have lots of energy left for the run.

I'd like to do a shout out to my buddies Roland and Danny.  I trained with them a bit for this race and I think those young whipper snappers will do really well for their first Ironman distance race!  Good luck guys and I will see you at the start tomorrow!

As always, I want to thank my coach, Kevin Landry, for giving me great advice and training plans to prepare for this race.

And of course, what post would be complete without thanking my beautiful wife, Denise, for all her support.  There is a reason why they call women married to Ironman athletes "Ironman Widows".  Long hours away on the bike or running, bad moods and the crazy stress of race week.  Thanks honey for hanging in there with me and I promise we will go on a vacation together sometime soon!

Well, I got the alarm set for 3:30 AM and I need to start trying to wind down for bed.  I'll post a race report later.  Until then.....

Tri your best!


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