Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm Feeling Good!

Yesterday I went to the gym and tried to run again. This time I got 2 whole miles before I started to feel a twinge in my knee. This is great progress! My plan is to add a half mile to each run session every third day till I am at least at 8 miles or so. If I get to that point, I will be entering into the Lone Start 70.3 mile Triathlon (that's 1/2 the full Ironman Distance). This race takes place in Galveston so it won't be too hard to get to.

Bike training is coming along fine and my swimming is actually pretty great. I really am planning on focusing on the swim and run this year since they are my weakest sports.

I'll blog some more this week about my training efforts.

1 comment:

  1. Hey ya bum! Like I said on your FB page, you're fricking nuts running that much!! Still debating about the half marathon idea myself. I hate running, but it is the best workout for the time though. -Aaron
