Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Swim Coaching

Hey Everyone. Well I finally realized that my swim needs as much improvement as possible. While I feel I am a pretty strong swimmer (I can swim 10 KM if I had to), there is room for improvement.

So I started working with a senior Olympian who lives in my area. Boy this guy is cool! He has a endless pool in his home. For those not in the know, a endless pool is a treadmill for swimmers. It creates a current that allows you to swim in place at a specific speed. It's actually pretty cool.

My first meeting was on Monday evening and he showed me some things I was doing inefficiently. The whole goal of my working with him is to swim with the least amount of effort at the maximum speed. He said I have a lot of potential and rated me a 8 out of 10 for swimming ability.

So now I have lots of drills to practice and hopefully his advice will get drilled into my brain enough that I can take advantage of it at the next race.

That's it for now.

Tri your best!

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