Friday, May 8, 2009

Swim Training 5/8

Hello dear readers!

Just a short entry today.

I had a great 2500 meter swim workout. This was done as:

Warm Up: 12 x 75 w/ 15 sec. rest as: 4 free / 4 stroke / 4 kick
Main Set: 4 x 200 free, 8 x 25(1stroke/1free), 8 x 25(1kick/1free), 5x 50free all w/10-20 set rest
Cool Down: 500 pull buoy swim

There were a few "bobbers" in the pool, but I still got a lane to myself. Speed and form were good. I had a little trouble with the kicking drill's. They take a HUGE amount of energy out of you, but are very good for the cardiovascular benefits.

Tomorrow I have a 20 mile run and Sunday I have a 75 mile bike ride followed by a 3 mile transition run. These are going to be really tough since it is starting to get really hot here in Houston.

I'll blog about these sessions over the weekend.

Tri your best!



  1. Okay, I gotta know... what are "bobbers" and God, I hope I'm not one!

  2. Hi Donna,

    A bobber are those folks that take up a lane and just kind of sit in there a take up space. No swimming, no walking, just "bobbing" and talking. Everyone has the right to do it with their gym membership, but they better be ready for me to come swim in there and splash water on them!

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